Group of men dressed as women for a performance
Verso: "4 // Girls Chorus Curtain Call // Left to Right Messers[?] Eyzeus Mosquito (Moskotayenene), Jonah Mamegesick, Henry Kakegumick, George Robertson, Jim Mentuck, David Flett, Alex Cromarty, Ralph Williams // Not Shown Charles Cook (The Leader), Wilf Wastiste, Morley Cananabie [?], Percy Mayhem, Roy Waswa, Jerry Harper, Elyah McKay, Dolphus Nepinak
Verso: "4 // Girls Chorus Curtain Call // Left to Right Messers[?] Eyzeus Mosquito (Moskotayenene), Jonah Mamegesick, Henry Kakegumick, George Robertson, Jim Mentuck, David Flett, Alex Cromarty, Ralph Williams // Not Shown Charles Cook (The Leader), Wilf Wastiste, Morley Cananabie [?], Percy Mayhem, Roy Waswa, Jerry Harper, Elyah McKay, Dolphus Nepinak

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