Group of six children sitting at desks in classroom with teacher
Verso: Photographer's stamp: "Portigal & Wardle Photographers 445 Main Street Winnipeg, Canada File No. PH. 93 636 File No. 96K3 Neg No. 8" Formatting notes: "Crop & reduce to 2 - Cal Cert? 27 1/2 pica wide x approx 22 pica deep"
Verso: Photographer's stamp: "Portigal & Wardle Photographers 445 Main Street Winnipeg, Canada File No. PH. 93 636 File No. 96K3 Neg No. 8" Formatting notes: "Crop & reduce to 2 - Cal Cert? 27 1/2 pica wide x approx 22 pica deep"

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